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ERGO-Wise® is owned and operated by Adeena Wisenthal, PhD, M.Ed, OT (Reg.) Ont.

Adeena: occupational therapist

Adeena is an award winning occupational therapist with over 25 years of experience in the fields of rehabilitation and mental health.

Adeena has carved a role for occupational therapists in the area of workplace mental health. She is a recognized leader in return-to-work due largely to the cognitive work hardening program (bridge2work®) she pioneered and has been successfully offering since 2000.

Adeena has further contributed to the advancement of occupational therapy through her doctoral research that bridged the clinical world with scientific study. Adeena shares her knowledge through her publications in academic journals, writings in relevant forums, and speaking engagements.

Adeena: clinician

Adeena facilitates timely return-to-work for employees on a mental health disability leave or other leave that might have cognitive components.

Clients benefit from Adeena’s clinical expertise with cognitive work hardening as well as her well-researched and in depth understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of the intervention.

Adeena assists employers to meet their duty to accommodate by offering insight into an employee’s functional limitations and offering practical workplace accommodations.

Adeena consults on workplace ergonomics, offers counselling on personal and work issues, and provides re-activation programs for those needing to re-engage in living.

Adeena: the person

Adeena adopts a healthy lifestyle through balancing work with stress reducing activities such as weight training, swimming, and gardening. She is conscientious about eating clean which includes organic whenever possible, minimal processed food, and predominantly scratch cooking.

Adeena is a family person with a special place in her heart for babies, children, and family dogs.

As an avid nature lover, Adeena strives to spend time outdoors enjoying the natural beauty around her.

Adeena Wisenthal, PhD, M.Ed, OT (Reg.) Ont.

Increasing YOUR return-to-work success

Adeena has helped hundreds of people return to work following a disability leave

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Award for Innovative Practice


Adeena is a recipient of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists’ Innovative Practice Award.

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